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6/29/96 - T-1
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6/28/96 - T-2
6/29/96 - T-1
6/30/96 - T-1 (Holding)
7/1/96 - Blast Off
7/2/96 - T+1
7/3/96 - T+2
7/4/96 - T+3
7/5/96 - T+4
7/6/96 - T+5
7/6/96 - T+6
7/8/96 - T+7
7/9/96 - T+8
7/10/96 - T+9
7/11/96 - T+10
7/12/96 - T+11
7/13/96 - T+12
7/14/96 - T+13
7/15/96 - T+14
7/16/96 - T+15
7/17/96 - T+16
7/18/96 - T+17
7/19/96 - T+18
7/20/96 - T+21
7/21/96 - T+20
7/24/96 - T+23

6/29/96 - T-1 - The Last Day in New York

Well, this was the plan at least. Things have not gone well on the computer end here. As usual, if computers are involved, then it takes twice as long as planned. The good news is that I survived the celebration last night without any adverse side effects. The bad news is that it's almost midnight and I only have about half of today's chores done. The internet connection is not working well right now so everything is slowed down. I don't think I'll be able to get off the island as planned tomorrow. We'll have to see. When I do leave, the plan is to head east to the far end of the island and then take the ferry across the Long Island Sound. Later on we'll have maps on the page here for you to view and follow on.



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